Friday, May 15, 2009

Wilco is trying to break your heart - Or lay a massive guilt trip on you

So, Wilco's album was leaked to the internet! (Bad Pirates!)

However, it's actually not TOO big of a deal for the band. (Besides the obvious. I'd be pissed, but I ain't Wilco.) So, in an impressive psychological move--they ask fans who have helped themselves to an illegal download to donate to the Band's favorite charities.

It's like your mother telling you, we're very disappointed in you, so apologize. It obviously, doesn't make up for lost sales (Like who buys CD's anymore.) But, it's an interesting way to try and deflect some cash back towards the causes, the band believes in.
Read The Article - From Media Memo >>

Media Memo
How to Plug a Leaking Record–Don’t Even Try

by Peter Kafka Media
In the old days, back at the beginning of this decade, news that a band’s new album had leaked on the Internet before it went on sale was a big deal. And it occasioned lots of wailing and hair-pulling in the music business.
But that was when people still bought CDs. Now everyone from Britney Spears down to the smallest indie band routinely streams music for free, before the disc–or iTunes download–goes on sale, in order to whet appetites–or at least promote concert tours. No big deal.

Rather than linking up its free stream in a promotional tie-up, the band waits for the album to leak onto the Web, then streams it on their own site. And they ask fans who have helped themselves to an illegal download to donate to charity.
Read The Article - From Media Memo >>

The link to the new Wilco album -(Streaming)

Preorder the new Wilco album here:

Oh by the way, if you haven't seen the Wilco documentary "I AM TRYING TO BREAK YOUR HEART.", definitely pick it up. It's a great insight on band member relationships, and the silly bureaucracy of the Music industry.

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